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类型:纪录片  英国   2018-11-19

主演:Zoe Williams

导演:Alicky Sussman


  《地平线系列:口服避孕药究竟有多安全》是2018年的一部纪录片。由Alicky Sussman执导,Zoe Williams等联袂主演。地平线系列:口服避孕药究竟有多安全,又名Horizon:The Contraceptive Pill:How Safe Is It?。In recent years a groundbreaking new study has been released into the effects of the contraceptive pill. Research from Denmark claimed women on the pill and other forms of hormonal contraception were 70% more likely to be diagnosed with depression than those who were not. And another study has found hormonal contraception was linked to a seemingly dramatic risk of breast cancer. Negative headlines are nothing new for the contraceptive pill - first introduced in 1961, it has had a chequered history with early versions linked to cancer risk and life-threatening blood clots. Yet hormonal contraception remains Britain's most popular form of birth control, and today over three million women take regular doses of synthetic hormones. So should they be worried about its safety? GP Dr Zoe Williams gets behind the headlines in this Horizon investigation. A specially commissioned, nationwide survey reveals the areas of most concern to British women - from mental health to the risk of cancer and drop in libido. With the help of world leading scientists, Zoe finds out if these concerns are justified and by delving deep into the science around the pills side effects Horizon uncovers some striking revelations - from protecting women against cancer to increasing their risk of suicide.


  妙娃蒸子 说:作为一个女性看到这样的纪录片很欣喜。虽然对于副作用的部分信息量极大,让人应接不暇,但是总结来说,药物的副作用远没有其他不良生活习惯带给身体的副作用大。而且关于不干涉男性性激素的男性避孕药正在火热研制中,相信不久后就能投入市场,避孕的责任终于可以更向男性倾斜。同时想到可能本片之所以能出产说明英国的避孕药使用率已经很高了,本片甚至传达出这是一种most popular的避孕方法,证明避孕套的不适感真的是人尽皆知了2333,而我们身边有很大一部分女性避孕靠安全期,并将意外怀孕归咎于自己经期紊乱,就感觉让女性真正低负担享受性爱还是一件任重道远的事情。
  土星八号 说:作为一个对片子里讲的副作用深有同感以及一个一开始对contraceptive极其抵抗,后来对其极其信任的人,看了片子之后只觉得感同身受以及各种原理都讲得很清楚。我很喜欢片子里传达的两个观点,一个是与其去担忧经过无数次药物测验得出可能导致某些疾病风险结论的避孕药是否真的副作用那么大,不如去关心一下自己不良的生活方式可能带来的更大影响;第二个是把男性在避孕中的角色也拿出来讨论,试图探讨避孕责任的性别分配,认为男性也应该对此承担责任。总而言之节奏好制片佳条理清晰逻辑好,棒棒棒!
  宇宙真理猪大肠 说:简要澄清或解释了长期避孕药在增加癌症、血栓、抑郁症、肥胖风险方面的传言/媒体报道/目前所了解的科学事实,其实关乎一个更普遍的课题:严谨科学事实与"眼球就是生命"的无良(或所有)媒体之间的关系、对相关性≠因果性的认识;根据情况选择不同类型的避孕药可以降低药物的副作用;除了吃什么,怎么吃也很重要;最后介绍了男性避孕药的研制现状(这部分略喜感)。(另外本片豆瓣条目有重复,挑了这个描述更加具体准确的进行标记)


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