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类型:纪录片  英国   2007-09-16

主演:麦克·帕林 迈克尔·帕林

导演:John-Paul Davidson


  《麦克·帕林新欧洲游记》是2007年的一部纪录片。由John-Paul Davidson执导,麦克·帕林、迈克尔·帕林等联袂主演。麦克·帕林新欧洲游记,又名Michael Palin's New Europe、新欧洲之旅。Michael Palin explores the countries that were, for much of his life, hidden behind the Iron Curtain, and now are very much part of the New Europe of post-Soviet times. 1 - War and Peace Countries visited: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Albania In Medjugoree Michael encounters a visionary who first started having visitations from the Virgin Mary 25 years ago. In Dubrovnik he meets with lute maestro Edin Karamazov who made the recent 'Songs from the Labyrinth' album with Sting. Michael ends this visit with a sheep sacrifice which heralds an afternoon of music and hospitality typically Balkan. 2 - Eastern Delight Countries visited: Macedonia, Bulgaria, Turkey Michael makes a remarkable visit to Göreme, where the rocks have been carved to form homes and some of the most remarkable churches of the early Christian era. Leaving the Cappodocia region by balloon, he sails east towards the borders of the New Europe, which if Turkey were to join the European Union would include Iran, Iraq and Syria. 3 - Wild East Countries visited: Trans-Dniester, Romania Michael travels from Transdniester, a breakaway state from the Republic of Moldova, to the Vaser Valley in Romania, where he joins 80 lumberjacks as they board a wood-fired steam train. He finally ends up at Bran Castle in Transylvania, the ancestral home of Vlad the Impaler and alleged home of Bram Stoker's Dracula. 4 - Danube to Dnieper Countries visited: Hungary, Ukraine Michael travels by road, rail and river through Hungary and the Ukraine, ending in the Black Sea resort of Yalta. Along the way he visits Budapest's 'House of Terror', a National Park in Hortobagy, an area which Attila the Hun was reputed to have rampaged across, and ends up meeting a Leeds market trader who married the Ukranian prime minister's daughter. 5 - Baltic Summer Countries visited: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia Michael travels from Tallinn in the north, through Latvia, to Lithuania in the south, sailing into the Baltic from the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, formerly East Prussia. In Estonia he visits a pyramid house and samples the medicinal properties of leeches. In Latvia he visits one of the most secretive places of the Communist-era, the astronomical telescope. 6 - From Pole to Pole Country visited: Poland Arriving in Gdansk via canal, Michael meets former electrician Lech Walesa who formed 'Solidarity', Poland's first independent trade union, which led to the demise of communism in that country. Heading to Warsaw he visits the Palace of Culture, Stalin's controversial gift to Varsovians. Michael then makes his own personal pilgrimage to Auschwitz. 7 - Journey's End Countries visited: Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany High in the Tatra mountains of Slovakia, Michael skins a pig, and learns how to make sausages. He then departs to Brno to visit Tibor Turba's famous mime school, where he is asked to mime a cockerel. Travelling in a DC3, used during the Berlin airlift, he visits the island of Rugen, built by Hitler for his KDF ('Strength through Joy') programme.


  Xhj 说:很不错,看到东欧的一些国家很羡慕,他们虽然没有高楼大厦,没有外表繁华的商场,但他们生活的很恬静,很享受,生活是自己的和别人无关,他们就是,而我们还在笼子里,什么时候我们才能过那样自由的生活,我们滋生出无穷尽的欲望,而最原始的生活态度能轻而易举的击败我们。
  马克爱马克 说:苏联时代的开始和结束到底带给东欧人怎么样的感受呢?我想这是本片要传达的核心内容。民主时代的到来,给了人们自由去别的国家的机会,但是却没有钱去;而苏联时代的他们有稳定的工作和薪酬,却没有出入的自由。当然本片充满明显的政治偏见。
  扶栏者Y 说:喜欢老爷子,新时代的纪录片总拍得那么宏大和阳光灿烂。。但主要是为了否定gongchan主义么?政治偏见过重,虽然制作精良画面美丽,但雕栏玉砌比不上当年的80天环游世界的自然率性。和着最近的科索沃从塞尔维亚分裂出来的新闻看真是。。三星半。


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