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类型:纪录片  美国,英国   2007-11-28




  《重返科索沃》是2007年的一部纪录片。由史蒂文·坎托执导,詹姆斯·布朗特等联袂主演。重返科索沃,又名James Blunt:Return to Kosovo、James Blunt in Kosovo。James Blunt: Return to Kosovo is a documentary film recorded in September 2006, when BRIT Award-winning musician and former British Army Captain James Blunt returned to the United Nations protectorate of Kosovo to perform a concert for serving NATO troops, and to visit places and people he had encountered whilst serving in Kosovo in 1999. The documentary was directed by Steven ...(展开全部)James Blunt: Return to Kosovo is a documentary film recorded in September 2006, when BRIT Award-winning musician and former British Army Captain James Blunt returned to the United Nations protectorate of Kosovo to perform a concert for serving NATO troops, and to visit places and people he had encountered whilst serving in Kosovo in 1999. The documentary was directed by Steven Cantor, an Academy Award nominee.The documentary interlaces the footage filmed in 2006 with personal videos taken by Blunt in 1999, as well as news footage from the Kosovo conflict. Blunt was reunited with the three interpreters with whom he had worked when his unit was the first to be sent into Kosovo. Together, they had intended to seek out families with whom Blunt and his charges had interacted; instead, they found abandoned and destroyed homes where once these families had lived. They also returned to a mass grave that Blunt's squadron had been instrumental in identifying; it was now a traditional cemetery, where most of the dead had been identified and gravestones with their likenesses had been erected.Interspersed with these scenes were excerpts from the concert Blunt performed for NATO troops, accompanied by keyboardist Paul Beard. The concert itself was sponsored by the British Forces Foundation.Blunt performed songs from his Back to Bedlam album, including chart-topper You're Beautiful. Also included was his performance of No Bravery, a song about the conflict that Blunt wrote during his tour of duty in Kosovo.


  Dynamo 说:比较偏james blunt个人向的一部短纪录片,挺有年代感的,仔细一想的确也是十来年前的作品了。结合自己去年去巴尔干一带的所见,前南一带的乡村果然发展是基本陷入停滞,这么多年了也没啥变化,城市发展倒是日新月异。james blunt的经历还是挺传奇的,但这部片基本还是停留在单纯忆旧的层次上,没什么记忆点。
  轰虹哄蕻 说:很感动。亮点盘点:1 James金子般的心。2 珍贵的99年上尉亲自拍摄的影像资料。3 通过James的讲述、在相同地点的新旧视频衔接、老照片看到当地有明显的改观,感受到James的欣慰。4 James跟翻译们的友谊。5 军营演出。
  [已注销] 说:Return to Kosovo 看了很多次,每一次都很感动,很真实的音乐式纪录片。战争到底是什么呢?战争,参与战争的人,往往是一张张年轻而天真的脸,无法想象这样的脸,这样音乐中的脸,会......


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