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状态:  地区:捷克斯洛伐克  年份:1968-05-24 


美丽的伊士曼彩色画面,没想到为曼素添上的却是忧郁。忧郁的夏日狂想,确是讽刺,对象可以是当时耽于逸乐的中产,亦可以是今天给物质麻醉不再呐喊的沉默大多数。三个中年男在乡村度假胜地优哉游哉,生活已提升为身上的一圈猪腩肉,或者口中自鸣得意的智慧箴言。热沉沉的空气中,跑来了马戏艺人与美丽女助手。中年男要将美女弄到床上,有人的老婆却想入非非去偷汉,结果人人都付出了代价。费里尼的《大路》炮制成黑色,大抵只有捷克式的幽默感才可以办得到。 捷克卡罗维发利国际电影节最佳电影奖 《夏日狂想曲》改编自幽默风趣的捷克小说,以优美的彩色摄制,气氛跟导演首作迥异。内容讲三个中年朋友,神父、将军和泳池管理员,在和睦畅快的气氛中一起喝酒月旦世事。三人关系刻划入微,影片有种令人想入非非的奇异魅力。 - Alistair Whyte, New Cinema in East Europe Dura, Roch and Hugo are at the heart of this comedy, released the same year as the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Soviet and Warsaw Pact troops. The three middle aged friends who spend the bulk of their time lounging around the local swimming hole are shaken out of their apathy when Arnostek (played by director Menzel, also an actor) and his companion Anna breeze into town. Though they bring a little sexual misadventure with them, Dura, Roch and Hugo find the resulting spontaneity and erotic dalliances bring them nothing more than disappointment and melancholy. This wistful slice of life sees Dura, Roch and Hugo slip from capriciousness back into longing frustration as quickly as summer retreats to autumn. Crystal globe at Karlovy Vary International Film Festival Capricious Summer is beautifully shot in colour. The plot concerns three middle-aged friends, a priest, a major and a bathing-pool attendant, who meet, drink and argue in a lively but friendly way. The relationships between the three men are delicately portrayed, and the film has great whimsical charm. - Alistair Whyte, New Cinema in East Europe Source: HKIFF Czech New Wave 2006



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